Sunday, November 14, 2010

Wow....Day 10!!
This first picture is of my art journal. The strip on the left side is a paper towel I saved from the Tattered Angels glimmer mist class yesterday :) I had some glimmer mist before I took this class and did not have results like this, so the tips and info was great. I would really love to have them in every color! The glaze is pretty rockin' too...I went back to the vendor booth to pick some up and they were completely sold out...I guess I wasn't the only one who loved it. The glitter in it is awesome and ya all know how i feel about glitter :)
This is the card I made today with the class kit from Technique Tuesday. I didn't do their exact card, I made my own version and used a very, very old thank you stamp. I loved making the spiral flower and you might be seeing a lot of those around here in the next few days. :)
We had dinner with my Mom, Dad, Lee, Tracy, Jesse, Michael, and Briana tonight. Mom made a deeelish pot roast and I was lucky enough to get the left overs for work tomorrow :) The best part was that my nephew said auntie pinkie for the first and then pointed to me!!!! I love that little boy so much and just have a blast with him every time I see him.
Blogging everyday has not been as hard as I thought it would be. I worry about my writting, spelling mistakes and just plain old wondering why people would be interested in what I have to say. Right now, it's been pretty easy since it's been about my 21 day challenge. I don't know what will be next...but what i'm learning is not to overthink tomorrow so much ...just to be in the moment...just being with my friend yesterday, doing what I love was a blessing. It was great to just BE.
Smooches :)
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